AI For Marketing & Business Unlock a world where your business operations are streamlined, decision-making is data-driven and precise, and customer experiences are personalised and exceptional - all powered by artificial intelligence. (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 10001470044) Duration: 1 Day (Online)Course Fee: RM864Early Bird Discount RM 540 Register Now COURSE INFO 企业营销AI课程 只要下达明确指示,AI可处理重复性任务,包括回答客户问题丶分析生产线丶供应链的数据,并且也解析客户行为数据丶预测市场趋势等等。今天就踏出学习AI营销的第一步,学会用AI来制做文案丶照片和Video,令你的品牌广告宣传更加吸引眼球! (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 10001470044) 课程费时:一天 (线上)课程学费:RM864早鸟优惠RM 540 Register Now COURSE INFO Digital Marketing For Business Explore the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing, discovering how AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT, TikTok AI to enhance content creation for your business or to boost your career. (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 10001386679) Duration: 1 Day (Online)Course Fee: RM864Early Bird Discount RM 540 Register Now COURSE INFO
Facebook Marketing For Business We take you through the steps in creating, optimising and enhancing your Facebook Page and leveraging on AI with a hands-on and practical approach. (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 1000164859) Duration: 1 DayCourse Fee: RM 1,080 Register Now COURSE INFO Facebook 企业行销策略 此课程专门为广告宣传人员、市场人员、中小企业业者而制定,在Facebook和人工智能(AI)的帮助下,制定营销战略流程,以拓展客源和业务行销。 (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 1000164859) 课程费时: 一天课程学费: RM 1,080 Register Now COURSE INFO Facebook 企业广告策略 想要知道面子书行销如何利用人工智能(AI)的力量,协助品牌的曝光、定位和追踪以找出精准潜在顾客群?使用千变万化的AI广告工具优化广告、避免账户被禁...这堂课就是为你设计的。(HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 10001433111) 课程费时:两天课程学费: RM 2,160 Register Now COURSE INFO
Google Ads For Business Learn the fundamental basics on how to utilise Google Ads plus the power of AI to achieve your marketing objectives and all the tips and tricks you should employ to stand out from the competition. (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 10001395723) Duration: 1 DayCourse Fee: RM 1,296 Register Now COURSE INFO Google Ads Advanced Deep dive into the technicalities a winning Google Ad campaign using AI-power. Learn how to optimise, track, and evolve your strategies as well as how to improve quality score, ad copy writing and more. (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 1000164860) Duration: 2 DaysCourse Fee: RM 2,700 Register Now COURSE INFO Executive Degree in Digital Marketing and AI We will equip you with the essential digital marketing knowledge, and know-how to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape as well as utilising AI tools to give you the confidence to apply your knowledge and skills to be a successful digital marketer. (HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: -) Duration: 6 MonthsCourse Fee: RM 11,016 Register Now COURSE INFO
ICDL Professional Digital Marketing Certification Our 1 day online zoom tutorial class, ebook + eLearning video (unlimited time access) is targeted at modern professionals in a range of sectors to develop their digital skills to harness the power of AI.(HRD Corp No. Siri Kursus: 10001186381) Duration: 1 DayCourse Fee: RM 702 Register Now COURSE INFO
100% Claimable (up to RM1,300 per pax/ per day) Claim 100% of the training costs from your company's HRD Corp levy contributions. You essentially pay RM0 and get to utilise your levy. Course Consultancy Can’t decide which course is most suitable for your needs? Speak to our course consultant and decide on your next course of action.
Training Flexibility Join our public classes or get a group of at least 5 for a private corporate session. Training can be conducted online or face-to-face. Qualified & Certified Trainers All our trainers are fully certified in their respective fields to ensure total professionalism as well as being fully updated in their knowledge.